Got some great books this week! Special thanks to all the authors and publicists that sent books to me, it's appreciated! Okay here we go...
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
How It Ends by Laura Weiss
Hate List by Jennifer Brown
Hate List by Jennifer Brown
Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti

One Lonely Degree by C.K. Kelly Martin
The Devouring by Simon Holt
Love You Hate You Miss You by Elizabeth Scott
Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
Got so many lovelies this week! Already half way through Beautiful Creatures! Can't wait to read the rest! What did you get this week?
Wow, lots of goodies!
You got a lot of awesome books! There are so many there that I want to read.
Beautiful Creatures and Hate List look amazing. I can't wait to see what you think of them. Great books!
Wow you received a lot of books. Happy reading.
Woahh that is a lot of awesome books! Happy reading! I can't wait for the reviews.
You got some great reads! Happy Reading!
You got so many books that I want to read! Enjoy!
Hate List has a great cover and it sends chills through me. Would like to know what you think of it.
wow! awesome book week! lots of great titles! happy reading!
Great book week! I am most jealous of Beautiful Creatures, but ALL of your books look really great. Happy reading!
*squeals* Great books! I love book covers like those from the top row. Happy reading!
I got Strange Angels this week too! What a great book week! and such great covers too! Happy reading!
All those books look great! Enjoy!
Yeay!! for a fabulous week. Ohh I so long for Beautiful Creatures and Crazy Beautiful, they both sound like wonderful reads. I hope you enjoy your literary treasures :)
WOW. Excellent Week! I am soo jealous of Hate List. Happy reading!
Wow, nice week! How It Ends sounds very good :)
You had a great week, so many of those books look so good. Enjoy.
Wow, I would love to have Hate List and Beautiful Creatures. You had one amazing week. I have How it Ends though and it looks great, doesn't it???
Yes it does.
Wow! I really envy you! I wish I got all those books in one week! I'm hoping to get a few of those LB books this week, so we shall see!
Have fun reading!
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